
2019年5月30日—WesternDigitalfirmwareinitializesSMARTAttribute10aftereither120spin-upsor8power-onhours.Untilthattime,theyhavethe ...,2023年12月20日—Thisdisplaysatableoftheharddrive'sSMARTattributes,includingtheirrawandnormalizedvaluesanddetails,suchastheworstvalue ...,2011年9月20日—Inmyexperience,SeagateshaveweirdnumbersforthosetwoSMARTattributes.WhendiagnosingaSeagateItendtoignorethoseandlookm...


2019年5月30日 — Western Digital firmware initializes SMART Attribute 10 after either 120 spin-ups or 8 power-on hours. Until that time, they have the ...

Guide to the smartctl Utility in smartmontools for Linux

2023年12月20日 — This displays a table of the hard drive's SMART attributes, including their raw and normalized values and details, such as the worst value ...

How to interpret this smartctl (smartmon) data

2011年9月20日 — In my experience, Seagates have weird numbers for those two SMART attributes. When diagnosing a Seagate I tend to ignore those and look more ...

Linux command – smartctl (S.M.A.R.T. attributes)

2017年12月21日 — Pre-failure – 當WORST(有記錄以來的最低值) 低於THRESH (Threshold) ,系統會顯示該顆硬碟有可能故障.

Making Sense of SSD SMART Stats

2023年6月15日 — These attributes are collected by the smartctl utility within the smartmon toolset. SSD+SMART+Stats+Comparison+TableDownload. print. Published ...

SMART Attribute Details

Provides a detailed description of SMART Attribute support and how each may be used. Kingston® SEDC1000H SMART Attribute Details. ID HEX Byte. Index.

SMART Attributes documentation - Thomas-Krenn-Wiki

2020年5月5日 — Since the SMART attributes are not standardized, each manufacturer can choose which SMART attributes it defines for each hard disk or SSD model.

SMART tests with smartctl - Thomas-Krenn-Wiki

2019年5月2日 — All modern hard drives offer the possibility to monitor its current state via SMART attributes. These values ​​provide information about ...


smartctl controls the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) system built into many ATA-3 and later ATA, IDE and SCSI-3 hard drives.

硬碟的健康檢查(SMART) - smartmontools

2008年9月21日 — smartctl -A /dev/hda === START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10 Vendor Specific SMART ...